Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letter from Bishop Jerry Lamb and the Standing Committee of The Diocese of San Joaquin to all Bishops and Standing Committees regarding the consent for Bishop-elect Dan Martins

The continuing Diocese of San Joaquin has many concerns about the proposed bishop of Springfield and rightly so in my opinion.

the Episcopal
Diocese of San Joaquin
The Central Third of California
The Rt. Rev. Jerry A. Lamb, Bishop
The Rev. Canon Mark H. Hall, Canon to the Ordinary
October 16, 2010
Sent via E-mail and US Mail
Dear Bishops and Standing Committee Members,
The Standing Committee of the Diocese of San Joaquin joins me in sending you this
letter that outlines our grave concerns about the election of the Rev. Daniel Martins as
the Bishop Diocesan of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois. Our concern is not about the
electing process, but about the suitability of Daniel Martins to be ordained a bishop in
the Episcopal Church. We write to you now before the consent process is in full swing,
so you will know of our concerns and have a chance to review pertinent information
about Daniel Martins and his involvement in the attempted separation of the Episcopal
Diocese of San Joaquin from the Episcopal Church. We also request that you visit
Daniel Martins’ website ( and review his comments
about the startup of the Continuing Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. All of the
material concerning Daniel Martins’ relationship to the Diocese of San Joaquin can be
found on our diocesan website ( under “Updates” on the right
sidebar or by direct link at .
Daniel Martins came to the Diocese of San Joaquin in 1994 when he was called to be
the rector of St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in Stockton. He remained at St.
John’s until August 2007 when he accepted a call to St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in
Warsaw, Diocese of Northern Indiana. St. John’s is the oldest Episcopal Church in
Stockton (and was one of the leading parishes in the diocese.) Only months after
Martins left St. John’s, the parish chose to follow John-David Schofield in the attempt to
leave the Episcopal Church. It is our contention that Daniel Martins did not prepare this
congregation to remain in the Episcopal Church, but did just the opposite. St. John’s,
Stockton is one of the few incorporated parishes in the diocese, and we were forced to
file suit to recover this property for the Episcopal Church.
While residing in the Diocese of San Joaquin, Daniel Martins was very active in
diocesan affairs. He was elected a deputy to General Convention multiple times, the
last time in 2006. The Diocesan Council meeting minutes on April 8, 2006 report on a
discussion of the upcoming Diocesan Convention resolution regarding disassociation
from the Episcopal Church. In response to a question as to why deputies to General
Convention 2006 had questions about the timing of the resolution, the Rev James Snell
is referenced: “Read e-mail from Dan Martins. Endorse substance of proposal but
Diocesan Office: 1528 Oakdale road • Modesto • CA • 95355
Ph. 209-576-0104 • FAX 209-576-0114
October 16, 2010
Page 2
concerned that (1) language provocative, (2) timing is ill-advised (prior to GC 2006) -
diverts attention, (3) resolution will be spun by Bps adversaries, (4) robs GC deputations
of effectiveness and credibility at GC. If GC rejects Windsor Report, then it will be time
to act and Dan will lead the charge.” (See
In John-David Schofield’s address to convention in December 2006, when the first
reading of the proposed change to the Constitution was made, he made the following
statement, “Working independently of this Virginia meeting, three of our rural deans:
Frs. Dan Martins, Jim Snell, and Richard James came up with a substitute for the
original proposed changes to our diocesan constitution.” This substitute amendment
became the very amendment that the disaffiliating parties attempted to use as their
vehicle to leave the Church. (See
When former Bishop Schofield called for a vote in 2006 on this constitutional change
removing the accession clause (after rejecting the motion for a secret ballot) and called
for a vote by delegates standing in favor, reliable witnesses noted that Daniel Martins
voted in the affirmative.
The Standing Committee and I contend Daniel Martins was instrumental to the process
that led to first and second votes by the diocese to change the Constitutions and
Canons that resulted in the failed attempt to unilaterally leave the Episcopal Church.
Further excerpts from Diocesan documents are available at our diocesan website.
(See for example, email dated June17, 2007 from Martins to Standing Committee , Standing Committee minutes from June 2007 , and email from Dan Martins in December
We also urge you to read excerpts from Daniel Martins’ blog entitled “Confessions of a
Carioca.” (See ) The following are
examples from his blog.
3-5-2008: There's a new group of Non-Jurors in the process of formation even
as I write. They are former clergy and laity of the Diocese of San Joaquin. Their
principled stand places them between the "rock" of their former bishop, whom
they have loved and served loyally, but whom they cannot in good conscience
follow to the Province of the Southern Cone, and the "hard place" of the noncanonical
rump "remaining" Diocese of San Joaquin, which they cannot in good
conscience join because it represents the raw exercise of naked illicit power by
the Presiding Bishop, and because to do so would compromise their oath of
loyalty to the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church.
7-13-2008: Now, aside from the ... what shall we say? ... ungenerous ... tone of
the missive, it raises some curious issues. It comes as no news that, for a
Diocesan Office: 1528 Oakdale road • Modesto • CA • 95355
Ph. 209-576-0104 • FAX 209-576-0114
October 16, 2010
Page 3
number of substantive technical reasons, I recognize neither the constitutional
foundation of the "Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin" nor the authority of Bishop
Jerry Lamb. By any rational reading of the Constitution & Canons of the
Episcopal Church, we're talking about a bogus diocese with a bogus bishop,
though they have some impressive-looking stationery. That they exist at all, and
are able to maintain the chimera of legitimacy is a result only of the raw exercise
of naked political power on the part of the Presiding Bishop. She is manifestly
guilty of presentable offenses but it will never happen because the political
calculus just isn't there.
Out of concern for the Episcopal Church, we urge you to review the information in this
letter, on our website (, and in
Daniel Martins’ own blog.
Upon reviewing the materials, we believe that it is clear that Daniel Martins not only
actively supported and voted to attempt to remove the Diocese from the Episcopal
Church. Furthermore, it is implicit in his writings and actions that he clearly holds the
belief that a Diocese may leave this Church unilaterally, which is contrary to our
understanding of Anglicanism and the polity of the Episcopal Church.
In closing, the consent process, as mandated by our canons, is the only way the wider
Church can respond to the election of a person to be a bishop. Accordingly, we would
ask you to join us in withholding consent for Daniel Martins to become the Bishop of
+Jerry A. Lamb
Bishop of San Joaquin
Members of the Standing Committee
of the Diocese of San Joaquin

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