Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A walk through the constitution of the Alphabet soup that is the new province in America

Who is in?

Here is the list form the proposed Constitution.

  1. The founding entities of the Anglican Church in North America are the members of the Common Cause Partnership namely:
    • The American Anglican Council
    • The Anglican Coalition in Canada
    • The Anglican Communion Network
    • The Anglican Mission in the Americas
    • The Anglican Network in Canada
    • The Convocation of Anglicans in North America
    • Forward in Faith – North America
    • The Missionary Convocation of Kenya
    • The Missionary Convocation of the Southern Cone
    • The Missionary Convocation of Uganda
    • The Reformed Episcopal Church
Here is the list as published by Episcopal Life:

Anglican Church in North America

Name of Diocese 

Diocese of Cascadia 
Anglican Diocese in the Southeast 
Diocese of Western Anglicans 
The Anglican Diocese in New Engand 
International Diocese 
Diocese of Quincy 
Diocese of Pittsburgh 
Diocese of San Joaquin 
Diocese of Fort Worth 
Diocese of the Holy Spirit 
The Bolivian Cluster 
Diocese of Forward in Faith/NA 
Convocation of Anglicans in North America 
Diocese of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic 
Diocese of the Southeast 
Diocese of the West 
Diocese of Mid-America 
Missionary Diocese of the Central States 
AMiA Cluster One 
AMiA Cluster Two 
AMiA Cluster Three 
AMiA Cluster Four 
AMiA Cluster Five 
AMiA Cluster Six 
AMiA Cluster Seven 
AMiA Cluster Eight 
AMiA Cluster Nine 
Anglican Network in Canada 
American Anglican Council 
Forward in Faith - NA 

Lots of questions are presented by these two lists like who are they are there really people in these groups?  Is there really a group called forward in faith and a diocese called forward in faith?  The Diocese of the Holy Spirit?

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